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Your support matters

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Your donations help support the ongoing costs related to encourgaging and empowering the next generation of young women. We appreciate you in advance!

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 Get a G.R.I.P (Girls Reaching their Ideal Potential) Teen Mentoring, Inc. is a mentoring and  leadership development program targeting young women ages 11-18 in the New Castle County, Delaware and Delaware County, PA areas. Your partnership with Get a GRIP helps  offset operating expenses and allows us to provide meaningful enrichment programs and outings for our young ladies. 

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"What exactly do you need to GET A GRIP on? It’s time to get a grip on your life! What is it that you want from your life?... Get a grip on life by getting a grip on yourself." -excerpt from book

Topics include:

Managing family and friends, tips for looking and feeling your best, proven study skills that work, tips on preparing for college and your future, goalsetting, advice on decluttering and reorganizing your life, managing finances, becoming globally minded, and answers to tough questions on sensitive topics such as sex, dating, tattoos and self-expression, and much more!